Happy pet, happier you!

Every time we look a special family member in the eyes, our mood changes almost immediately. Our pets ask for nothing in return but love and affection.......ok maybe some treats too. But let's find out what else they can do for us and what their behavioural signs tells us according to experts.

The “doctors” that we love…

Our kind, devoted  friends, everlastingly earn a very important and significant role in every family. We engage emotionally with these beautiful,funny, faithful creatures which seem to feel and understand us so deeply that the unbreakable bond is created instantly.

Having a pet it’s not just about owning it, there are several reasons people acquire a new little life in their homes almost as their child.

Some for overcoming the feeling of loneliness, some for educational purposes for their children, such as responsibility or emotional stability and others because they have a great attachment toward this silent friends.

What most people don’t know is that these amazing creatures can enhance and cure you emotionally and physically more than you might think. In other words, our pets are “true” doctors responsible for our healing in many different ways,but in some cases exceptions may apply.

However, other than a tone of pills, medication and recipes that we run after whenever we fell we need to rejuvenate ourselves from a mental/psychological or physical condition, our pets can sense our mood and react. Now you may wonder how…..well, man’s best friend is well-known as a stress-reliever, lively miracle, in decreasing your blood pressure also a very good relaxing “treatment” for the busy ones, kid-crowded homes and every day routine.

A cat, as well as a dog, may sense how you feel, and acts accordingly, trying to grab your attention to distract you “on purpose” from your initial opposite, grumpy mood. They can turn around how you feel in seconds, making you laugh, enjoy and forget about your problems, by doing silly, funny things just like a human being that truly cares for you would do.

They can feel whether you love them or not, if you like them or not even if you’re scared of them, or what you’re intentions are towards them(aggressive, attachment or fear), that’s the main reason we teach our kids to never look an angry dog in the eyes.

Happy family with pets.Mypetworldshop.wordpress.com
Happy family with pets.

Is it true that a dog can sense if they are loved by their owners?

Did you knew? Your dog knows if, and how much you love him. For hundreds of years cats, especially dogs and humans have a very special relationship, where dogs have actually hijacked the human oxytocin bonding pathway, which is normally reserved for our …..babies.

Also keep in mind that when you find your doggo staring at you for no reason sometimes, means that he is “hugging” you using his eyes, that is, by looking at you. Dogs will often run after their owners just like little kids when they’re startled – something other animals rarely do.

If your cat is looking at you and slowly blinks ,that behavior is interpreted as well as a kiss,a second blinking along with constant staring means your kitty is saying “I love you!”. This would be the ultimate sign of affection and equivalent with being kissed.

“Cats know how to obtain food without labor,shelter without confinement, and love without penalties”

W.L George
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